I'm using the 'exceljs' lib. It's work great on my local node server. Now I'm trying to use Firebase Functions to upload the excel file to Google Cloud storage.
This is the entire code I'm using:
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const ExcelJS = require('exceljs');
var workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook();
var worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('Relatório Consolidado');
function startExcel(){
worksheet.columns = [
{ header: 'Empresa', key: 'empresa', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Data criação', key: 'data_criacao', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Responsável agendamento', key: 'agendador', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Colaborador', key: 'colaborador', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Endereço', key: 'endereco', width: 25 },
{ header: 'CPF', key: 'cpf', width: 25 },
{ header: 'CTPS', key: 'ctps', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Função', key: 'funcao', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Data agendado', key: 'nome_subtipo_produto', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Data atendimento médico', key: 'nome_subtipo_produto', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Data inicio atendimento', key: 'nome_subtipo_produto', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Data inicio exames', key: 'nome_subtipo_produto', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Tipo de exame', key: 'valor_produto', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Exames realizados', key: 'valor_produto', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Status atendimento', key: 'tipoPagamento', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Status exames', key: 'centroCustoStr', width: 25 }
function salvaExcel(){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
let filename = `/tmp/Relatorio.xlsx`
let bucketName = 'gs://xxx.appspot.com/Relatorios'
const bucket = admin.storage().bucket(bucketName);
.then(() => {
console.log('Excel criado com sucesso! Enviando upload do arquivo: ' + filename)
const metadata = {
contentType: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet',
bucket.upload(filename, metadata)
.then(() => {
const theFile = bucket.file(filename);
.then((signedUrl) => {
.catch((error) => {
reject('Erro ao realizar upload: ' + error)
.catch((error) => {
reject('Erro ao realizar upload: ' + error)
* Relatórios
function relatorios(change, context){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const snapshot = change.after
const data = snapshot.val()
.then(() => {
.catch((error => {
function verificaRelatorioAgendamentos(change, context){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const snapshot = change.after
const data = snapshot.val()
const dataInicial = data.dataInicial
const year = moment(dataInicial).format('YYYY')
const month = moment(dataInicial).format('MM')
const state = 'DF'
let path = "/agendamentos/" + state + "/" + year + "/" + month
const relatorios = admin.database().ref(path).once('value');
return Promise.all([relatorios])
.then(results => {
let valores = results[0]
.then(() => {
.catch((error => {
function criaRelatorioAgendamentos(results){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let promises = []
results.forEach(element => {
let promise = new Promise(function(resolveExcel){
let data = element.val()
id: 1,
empresa: data.agendador.company,
data_criacao: data.dataCriacao,
agendador: data.agendador.nome,
colaborador: data.colaborador.nome,
cpf: data.colaborador.cpf,
ctps: data.colaborador.ctps,
funcao: data.colaborador.funcao,
data_agendado: data.data,
data_atendimento_medico: data.dataAtendimento,
data_inicio_atendimento: data.dataInicio,
data_inicio_exames: data.dataInicioExames,
tipo_exame: data.tipoExame,
exames: data.exames[0].nome,
status_atendimento: data.status,
status_exames: data.statusExames
.then(() => {
.then((url) => {
console.log('Salvar URL' + url)
.catch((error => {
exports.relatorios = functions.database.ref('/relatorios/{state}/{year}/{month}/{relatoriosId}')
.onWrite((change, context) => {
return relatorios(change, context)
On Functions console, the log show me that the excel file was created successfully. But when uploading, a very strange error pops:
What I'm doing wrong? I apreciate any help.
The error message you are getting comes from trying to get the signed URL of a non-existant file.
When you call bucket.upload(filename, metadata)
, you are uploading the file /tmp/Relatorio.xlsx
, which creates a file in your bucket called Relatorio.xlsx
. On the next line you call bucket.file(filename);
which incorrectly associates itself with /tmp/Relatorio.xlsx
instead of Relatorio.xlsx
To fix this, you should use the File
object that is resolved from bucket.upload()
instead of creating it yourself:
bucket.upload(filename, metadata)
.then((file) => file.getSignedURL())
.then((url) => {
console.log('Salvar URL' + url)
Your code also contains a lot of unnecessary new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ... })
calls. This is called the Promise constructor anti-pattern and most of them can be removed by properly chaining the Promises. This blog post is a good crash course on Promises and how to use them properly.
Regarding your function's source code, as the index.js
file for functions will contain multiple function definitions, you should not define variables at the top of your index.js
file unless they are shared by all of your functions and they are stateless in case a function is called multiple times. This is particularly important when dealing with I/O or memory-intensive resources such as files.
With your current code, if the relatorios function was called twice in a short period, the saved file would contain both the old data from the first call and the new data from the current call leading to both an invalid file and a potential memory leak.
Removing the excessive promise calls and making it so that your exceljs
code can be rerun without corrupting any data results in the following index.js
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// 'exceljs' is required on-demand in MyExcelSheetHelper
* A helper class used to create reuseable functions that won't
* conflict with each other
class MyExcelSheetHelper {
constructor() {
const ExcelJS = require('exceljs');
this.workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook();
this.worksheet = this.workbook.addWorksheet('Relatório Consolidado');
this.worksheet.columns = [
{ header: 'Empresa', key: 'empresa', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Data criação', key: 'data_criacao', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Responsável agendamento', key: 'agendador', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Colaborador', key: 'colaborador', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Endereço', key: 'endereco', width: 25 },
{ header: 'CPF', key: 'cpf', width: 25 },
{ header: 'CTPS', key: 'ctps', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Função', key: 'funcao', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Data agendado', key: 'nome_subtipo_produto', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Data atendimento médico', key: 'nome_subtipo_produto', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Data inicio atendimento', key: 'nome_subtipo_produto', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Data inicio exames', key: 'nome_subtipo_produto', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Tipo de exame', key: 'valor_produto', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Exames realizados', key: 'valor_produto', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Status atendimento', key: 'tipoPagamento', width: 25 },
{ header: 'Status exames', key: 'centroCustoStr', width: 25 }
* Streams this workbook to Cloud Storage
* @param storageFilepath - the relative path where the file is uploaded to Cloud Storage
* @returns the signed URL for the file
salva(storageFilepath) {
if (!storageFilepath) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('storageFilepath is required'));
const bucket = admin.storage().bucket();
const storageFile = bucket.file(storageFilepath);
const uploadFilePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
const stream = storageFile.createWriteStream({
contentType: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet',
stream.on('finish', () => {
stream.on('error', error => {
.then(() => {
} catch (e) { // catches errors from createWriteStream
return uploadFilePromise
.then(() => {
var CONFIG = {
action: 'read',
expires: '03-01-2500',
.then((signedUrl) => {
return signedUrl
function criaRelatorioAgendamentos(path, querySnapshot) {
const excelFileHelper = new MyExcelSheetHelper();
const worksheet = excelFile.worksheet;
// this forEach loop is synchronous, so no Promises are needed here
querySnapshot.forEach(entrySnapshot => {
const data = entrySnapshot.val();
id: 1,
empresa: data.agendador.company,
data_criacao: data.dataCriacao,
agendador: data.agendador.nome,
colaborador: data.colaborador.nome,
cpf: data.colaborador.cpf,
ctps: data.colaborador.ctps,
funcao: data.colaborador.funcao,
data_agendado: data.data,
data_atendimento_medico: data.dataAtendimento,
data_inicio_atendimento: data.dataInicio,
data_inicio_exames: data.dataInicioExames,
tipo_exame: data.tipoExame,
exames: data.exames[0].nome,
status_atendimento: data.status,
status_exames: data.statusExames
return excelFileHelper.salva(path + '/Relatorio.xlsx');
exports.relatorios = functions.database.ref('/relatorios/{state}/{year}/{month}/{relatoriosId}')
.onWrite((change, context) => {
// Verificar relatorio agendamentos
const snapshot = change.after;
const data = snapshot.val();
const dataInicial = data.dataInicial;
const year = moment(dataInicial).format('YYYY');
const month = moment(dataInicial).format('MM');
const state = 'DF';
const path = "/agendamentos/" + state + "/" + year + "/" + month;
return admin.database().ref(path).once('value')
.then(valores => {
return criaRelatorioAgendamentos(path, valores);