I'm preparing data for dataProvider using amchart to create stacked Column chart in JS like this https://www.amcharts.com/demos-v3/stacked-column-chart-v3/ but using only 2 values (plan and actual) in staked columns, i have the response of my service as its shown below, and i would like grouping data so i have to change input array:
inputArr = [{Value: 10},
{Value: 25},
{Value: 30},
{Value: 37}
{Value: 43}];
by this
newArr = [{Value1: 10, Value2: 25},
{Value1: 30, Value2: 37},
{Value1: 43, Value2: 0}];
if there are odd numbers of elements in array so make Value2 is 0 when transforming.
You could create a function to make this conversion:
let inputArr = [{Value: 10},
{Value: 25},
{Value: 30},
{Value: 37},
{Value: 43}];
function pairValues(ary)
let newAry = [];
let obj;
// Loop the inputted array and pair values
obj.Value2 = subObj.Value;
obj = undefined;
obj = {};
obj.Value1 = subObj.Value;
// If the last obj has no pair, set Value2 to zero
if (obj)
obj.Value2 = 0;
return newAry;
let outputArr = pairValues(inputArr);