I have to create a function to be added to the string class. For example "hi".exclamify(3) should return hi with three !!! at the end of the string. I know I have to make use of
String.prototype.exclamify = function(n)
// Function definition goes here
When I call the function as "hi".exclamify(2); the console returns [String: 'Hello'], what to do to get only the value of the string which is "Hello"? I used Object.values(this) which returned [ 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' ]. I want the exact string to implement the function.
It looks like the value of this
was working for you and contained the correct string. Here's a quick try at your problem:
String.prototype.exclamify=function(n){ return `${this}${'!'.repeat(n)}` }
const testString = "hello";