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How do I make Google Cloud Functions accept POST requests larger than 10KB?

I have created a small Python program accepting HTTP triggers and uploaded it to Google Cloud Functions. It works fine when I make a POST request whose body is less than 10KB.

However, when I exceed this value, the function fails to work and sends error code 413 (request entity too large) in its response. Is there something I might be missing? When I read the quotas doc page, it says that Google Cloud Functions should allow requests of up to 10MB, which is clearly much more than what I am sending.



The Python code parsing the POST data is as follows:

def html_switcher_test(request):

    request_args = request.args

    if request_args:

        report_html = BeautifulSoup(request.args['data'], 'lxml')

A Postman request screenshot showing the error is provided below:

Postman POST Error


  • This public issue tracker has been filed for this issue with an internal bug linked to it. Further feedback will be provided through there.