Is it possible to pass Parcelable object/arguments between BottomNavigation controlled Fragments via NavigationContoller?
Here is the flow of my app, user logs in to app and a fragment is opened which contains BottomNavigation. I was able to get the argument to first fragment(first fragment opens using NavHostFragment.findNavController(this).navigate(action)
) i was able to add arguments to this action and pass values, but BottomNavigation doesn't have any navigate instructions navigation is done via menuID. How can i pass logged in user argument between all these bottom navigated fragments via bundle.
I tried to pass arguments using onDestinationChanged()
public void onDestinationChanged(@NonNull NavController controller, @NonNull NavDestination destination, @Nullable Bundle arguments) {
NavArgument argument = new NavArgument.Builder().setDefaultValue(selectedUser).build();
destination.addArgument("user", argument);
but still app crashes with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Required argument "user" is missing and does not have an android:defaultValue
We can either user SharedViewModel as asad has mentioned or we can use NavGraph to set argument
.addArgument("user", new NavArgument.Builder()