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How do I reduce a list in a Magnolia JavaScript model?

I'm attempting to reduce a FreeMarker list in a Magnolia JavaScript model. I want all items that start with a capital "P".

[#assign list = ["Poker", "Pet", "Dog", "Cat", "Penguin", "Paddle", "punk"]]

My function should return:

["Poker", "Pet", "Penguin", "Paddle"]


I attempted to use Array.prototype.reduce().

var Model = function() {
  this.reduceList = function(list) {
    return list.reduce(function(reducedList, item) {
      if (item.indexOf('P') !== -1) {
      return reducedList;
    }, []);

new Model();
[#assign filteredList = model.reduceList(['Poker', 'Pet', 'Dog', 'Cat', 'Penguin', 'Paddle', 'punk'])]

However, I get the following error.

jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException: TypeError: list.reduce is not a function

Note: Magnolia JavaScript models are built on Nashorn.


When I return the type of the list:

this.reduceList = function(list) {
  return typeof list;

I get an object:


When I return the list as a string:

this.reduceList = function(list) {
  return list.toString();

I get a list:

[Poker, Pet, Dog, Cat, Penguin, Paddle, punk]

How do I reduce a list in a Magnolia JavaScript model?


  • Use the filter() method. Here is a code sample:

    var Model = function() {
      this.reduceList = function(list) {
        return Java.from(list).filter(function(item) {
          return item[0] === 'P'