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Tidy or unnest S4 BFBayesFactor object

I want to run several nested t.test and ttestBF (using tidyr::nest()) but I can't manage to either tidy or to unnest the S4: BFBayesFactor object that comes out the ttestBF function.

Example data:

d = tibble(value = rnorm(100),
           category = sample(1:5, replace = TRUE, 100),
           group = sample(c('A', 'B'), replace = TRUE, 100)) %>% 

I run this piece of code for the t.test and it works just fine:


d %>% 
  group_by(category, group) %>% 
  nest() %>% 
  spread(key = group, value = data) %>% 
    t_test = map2(A, B, ~{t.test(.x$value, .y$value) %>% tidy()}),
    A = map(A, nrow),
    B = map(B, nrow)
  ) %>% 

However, if I try this:

d %>% 
  group_by(category, group) %>% 
  nest() %>% 
  spread(key = group, value = data) %>% 
    t_test_bf = map2(A, B, ~{ttestBF(.x$value, .y$value, nullInterval = c(0, Inf)) %>% tidy() }),
    A = map(A, nrow),
    B = map(B, nrow)
  ) %>% 

I get: Error: No tidy method for objects of class BFBayesFactor. If I remove the tidy() call, so:

t_test_bf = map2(A, B, ~{ttestBF(.x$value, .y$value, nullInterval = c(0, Inf)) })

I still get the following error:

Error: All nested columns must have the same number of elements.

Any idea on how to unnest the ttestBF output?


  • You could pull the data frame out of each object's bayesFactor S4 slot using the @ notation for S4 objects:

    d %>% 
      group_by(category, group) %>% 
      nest() %>% 
      spread(key = group, value = data) %>% 
        t_test_bf = map2(A, B, ~{ttestBF(.x$value, .y$value, 
                                         nullInterval = c(0, Inf))@bayesFactor}[,-3]),
        A = map(A, nrow),
        B = map(B, nrow)
      ) %>% 
    #> # A tibble: 10 x 6
    #> # Groups:   category [5]
    #>    category     A     B     bf        error code        
    #>       <int> <int> <int>  <dbl>        <dbl> <fct>       
    #>  1        1    10    10 -1.04  0.0000592    159448f630f7
    #>  2        1    10    10 -0.797 0.0000000429 1594124c5471
    #>  3        2     7     6 -0.519 0.000000105  15946a5667c9
    #>  4        2     7     6 -1.01  0.000141     15946b70910 
    #>  5        3     8     9 -1.32  0.00000260   15944c833396
    #>  6        3     8     9 -0.214 0.000000168  159433103012
    #>  7        4    15    11 -0.709 0.0000450    15942a13701 
    #>  8        4    15    11 -1.26  0.000123     15947c9d5ed8
    #>  9        5    11    13 -1.11  0.000122     15945bcc7d07
    #> 10        5    11    13 -0.850 0.00000969   1594311d17e2