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Need Help - First Function

I'm trying to write my first function and am having some issues. When I run the below I get no output. I feel like I'm missing something obvious but I'm not sure what.

function findModifiedFiles {
    param (
    Process {
        Write-Host "Directory: " $dir
        Write-Host "Days: "$days


enter image description here


  • You ultimately need to load your function and then call the function to receive any output. Since your function is defined in a file, one way to load the function is by dot sourcing the file. Then you can simply call your function.

    . .\modfilesTest.ps1
    findModifiedFiles -dir c:\temp -days 7

    An alternative is to not use a function at all just run the script with parameters. If we edit your file to contain the following, we can just call the script afterwards.

    # modfilesTest.ps1 Contents
    param (
    Process {
        Write-Host "Directory: " $dir
        Write-Host "Days: "$days

    Now call the script with your parameters.

    .\modfilesTest.ps1 -dir c:\temp -days 7

    A third alternative is to just paste a function definition into your console. At that point, the function is loaded into your current scope. Then you can just call the function.