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how to make a method that push items to empty array with lit-element

I have an empty array with lit-element to add the ages between 2 to 13 years that I generate with a loop. I need to add each element within the array using a method but I don't know how to make it work. This is what I have:

import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';

class ChildrenInput extends LitElement {
    static get properties() {
        return {
            ages: {type: Array},

    constructor() {
        this.minAge = 2;
        this.maxAge = 13;
        this.ages = [];

    ages() {
        for (let age = this.minAge; age <= this.maxAge; age++) {

        return html`
                    <option selected>--</option>
                    <option>${ => html`<li>${item}</li>`)}</option>

customElements.define('children-input', ChildrenInput);


  • You first need to call your function, having given a different name from the array property, and use the option element in the loop mechanism as follows:

    import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
    class ChildrenInput extends LitElement {
        static get properties() {
            return {
                ages: {type: Array},
        constructor() {
            this.minAge = 2;
            this.maxAge = 13;
            this.ages = [];
        loopAges() {
            for (let age = this.minAge; age <= this.maxAge; age++) {
            // Alternative syntax:
            // let age = this.minAge; while ( age <= this.maxAge ) this.ages.push( age++ );
            return html`
                        <option selected>--</option>
                        ${ => html`<option value="${item}">${item}</option>`)}
    customElements.define('children-input', ChildrenInput);

    Here's a working version