I have the following code and need to access the variable "density" and put it in a popup. Density is defined in the mapCities function, but the markers I'm adding and the popups I'm creating are created in a for loop outside of the map cities function resulting in a ReferenceError: density is not defined index.html:151:42. This is error is expected. I just don't know how to access that density variable. Should it be doe with a nested loop?
function mapCities(units) {
for (var i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) {
var cityName = cities[i];
var cityNumPeeps = cityPops[i];
var cityZone = cityAreas[i];
var cityXY = cityCoords[i];
var density = calcPopDensity(cityNumPeeps, cityZone, units); // call calcPopDensity passing population, cityZone and units as arguments
function calcPopDensity(cityNumPeeps, cityZone, units) {
if (units == "miles") {
return cityNumPeeps / cityZone // calculate population density in miles and return it
} else if (units == "km") {
return cityNumPeeps / cityZone * 1.60934 // calculate population density in miles and return it
for (var i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) {
var cityName = cities[i];
var cityNumPeeps = cityPops[i];
var cityZone = cityAreas[i];
var cityXY = cityCoords[i];
var popup = `<b>${cityName}</b><br>
<b>population</b>: ${density}<br>`
L.marker(cityXY).addTo(map) // add marker to map based on cityCoords array and bind to popup
//if statement determines units to place in popup text
if (units == "miles") {
popup += `miles`; // add text if if var density returns miles
} else if (units == "km")
popup += `kilometers`; // add text if if var density returns kilometers
L.marker(cityXY).addTo(map) // add popup again based on if statement
Just create a variable for the density local to the for-loop where you need it.
The above
density variable is out of scope so you won't be able to use it as is.
for (var i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) {
var cityName = cities[i];
var cityNumPeeps = cityPops[i];
var cityZone = cityAreas[i];
var cityXY = cityCoords[i];
var density = calcPopDensity(cityNumPeeps, cityZone, units);
var popup = `<b>${cityName}</b><br>
<b>population</b>: ${density}<br>`
L.marker(cityXY).addTo(map) // add marker to map based on cityCoords array and bind to popup
//if statement determines units to place in popup text
if (units == "miles") {
popup += `miles`; // add text if if var density returns miles
} else if (units == "km")
popup += `kilometers`; // add text if if var density returns kilometers
L.marker(cityXY).addTo(map) // add popup again based on if statement