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Correct way to reference images in Firestore document

In my application, my user documents have an avatar image associated with them which is kept in cloud storage. Currently I have a field in the user object that references the download URL of its image. Just wondering if this is the correct/best way to do it.


  • There isn't really a best way to materialize the link between an avatar image that you store in Cloud Storage and a specific user of your Firebase project.

    You can very well do the way you do (having a "field in the user object that references the download URL").

    Another approach would be to store the avatar images in a public "folder" under your default bucket using the user UID to name the avatar image (see at the bottom the note on "folders").

    Then you you can use a link with the following structure to directly download the image (or include it in a img src HTML tag)<yourprojectname>

    where users is the name of the "folder" dedicated to public avatar images

    and 38r174prM9aTx4JAdcm50r3V0Hq2.png is the image file name for a specific user (i.e. user UId + png extension).

    Note that the / is encoded as %2F (standard URL encoding).

    You would then set your Cloud Storage security rules like the following:

    service {
     match /b/{bucket}/o {
        match /privateFiles {   //All other files that are not under users
         match /{allprivateFiles=**} {
           allow read: if false;
           allow write: .....
       match /users/{userId} {   //Public "folder"
         allow read;

    Note: Actually Google Cloud Storage does not have true "folders", but by using a "/" delimiter character in the file path it will behave similarly to folders. In particular the Firebase console will display the files organised in folders.