I'm trying to do a curl POST request for json-rpc however it's not giving me any error when I use it and I'm unsure what I'm doing incorrectly. Been trying to figure out how to do it for an hour
The request I'm trying to perform:
http post https://rpc.nearprotocol.com jsonrpc=2.0
method=query params:='["account/near.test", ""]' id=dontcare
I've tried:
curl -X POST https://rpc.nearprotocol.com -d
"account/near.test”:”snailbail45"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'```
However it's just returning the next line.
This Works for me though:
curl -X POST https://rpc.nearprotocol.com -d
'{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"status"}' -H 'Content-Type:
What am I doing incorrectly in the first one?
You have stylized quotation marks (”
instead of "
) between test
and snailbail45