I am using 2 EditText, one for title and other for body text. i am getting the body text from my image through text recognizer and title from just simply typing the title. But when i call the function for text recognizer and then saving the data, my title text shows a strange behavior and give me the alert dialogue of missing title even i type the title. I don't know why with text recognizer function the Title edit text is showing me alert dialog of missing title. here is my code
private boolean hasTitle() {
return !titleText.getText().toString().trim().isEmpty();
if (hasBody() || hasImage() && !hasTitle()) { // if user missing title
AlertDialogNoTitle(); // it should not enter here while i type the title but with recognizer it show alertdialogue. By Log, i am getting the correct text for the title which is not zero
// setResult(RESULT_CANCELED, data);
// finish();
} else if (hasTitle()) { // if they have title
data.putExtra("USER TITLE", titleText.getText().toString());
data.putExtra("USER TEXT", bodyText.getText().toString());
if (cardsNamesSingleString != null) {
data.putExtra("USER CARDS", cardsNamesSingleString);
Util.saveToInternalStorageCard(ArrayImageName, bitmaps);
setResult(RESULT_OK, data);
} else { // no entry
setResult(RESULT_CANCELED, data);
my text recognizer for the body text only
private void detect() {
//perform text detection here
//TODO 1. define TextRecognizer
TextRecognizer recognizer = new TextRecognizer.Builder(NoteActivity.this).build();
//TODO 2. Get bitmap from imageview
Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)frontCard.getDrawable()).getBitmap();
//TODO 3. get frame from bitmap
Frame frame = new Frame.Builder().setBitmap(bitmap).build();
//TODO 4. get data from frame
SparseArray<TextBlock> sparseArray = recognizer.detect(frame);
//TODO 5. set data on textview
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0;i < sparseArray.size(); i++){
TextBlock tx = sparseArray.get(i);
try this
if ((hasImage() && !hasTitle()) || (hasBody() && !hasTitle()))