Here is my formula:
=IF('LBD Weigth Loss Tracking'!B6=ISBLANK('LBD Weigth Loss Tracking'!B6),"",'LBD Weigth Loss Tracking'!B6)
What I want is for the cell to be blank instead of zero but haven't found a way to do that.
The reason is because the table is used in a forecast chart and when the source cell is blank then the cell in the forecast sheet shows 0 causing the forecast to plummet to zero after the last valid value is entered.
This is for my weight loss tracking where I have a sheet with the raw data and then a sheet with the forecast chart/graph.
Thanks for any tips/hints
How about this:
=IF(ISBLANK('LBD Weigth Loss Tracking'!B6),0,'LBD Weigth Loss Tracking'!B6)
Please check the name of the sheet you address as "weight" is not the same as "weigth" , note I have not changed the name in the example I gave you.