I'm trying to write a program that calculates the sum of all the numbers in a diagonal section of a multiplication chart (basically from row 12 column 1 of the array to row 1 column 12). The problem is, in the code the Rowcounter refuses to decrease after every loop while the Colcounter increases just fine. What am I doing wrong?
public Integer ComputeDiagonalSum(int multiplier)
Integer [][] MultiArray = new Integer[multiplier][multiplier];
int RowCounter = MultiArray.length - 1;
int ColCounter = 0;
Integer DiagonalSum = 0;
while(RowCounter > 0)
int RowNumber = RowCounter + 1;
//Compute inner loop
while(ColCounter < MultiArray[multiplier - 1].length)
int ColNumber = ColCounter + 1;
//Load each box in the current column of the current row
MultiArray[RowCounter][ColCounter] = RowNumber * ColNumber;
DiagonalSum += MultiArray[RowCounter][ColCounter];
//doesn't work
return DiagonalSum;
Link to image of multiplication chart: https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sxsrf=ACYBGNQo4QAYAF-MjmvCR4jcbz3RqDx0eg%3A1581776894027&ei=_v9HXvKbAYilUoveveAE&q=multiplication+chart+&oq=multiplication+chart+&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.3..35i39j0i22i30.1455.2670..3471...0.0..0.765.1392.5-1j1......0....1.0tdlwHvu690#imgrc=jtyeYkOxpQT3CM:
The issue is not that your RowCounter does not decrease, but that you need to move initialization of ColCounter inside the first loop, at the beginning. The evaluation of while(ColCounter < MultiArray[multiplier - 1].length)
will always return false after the first iteration, because ColCounter has reached the size of your array.