I follow the steps in the Spotify Web Api Tutorial using the authorization-code from the Spotify Accounts Authentication Examples. Everything is okey, I register an application with Spotify, authenticate a user and get authorization to access user data and when the page show me the user data the refresh token is different each time I authenticate myself. I think refresh token shuld not change.
The only modification I did in the example code was replace the client id, client secret and the redirect uri with the correct values from my application.
Any advices?
For the Authorisation Code Flow you just need to do that initial authentication you're already doing. It will always return a new refresh token however that token can be used over an over with 4. Requesting a refreshed access token; Spotify returns a new access token to your app from Authorisation Guide that will return you a new access token for subsequent calls and you won't need to do the Authentication Step you're doing multiple times just keep doing that one.