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Reset the input for shinyalert in R shiny

It will only append the first time I click because input$shinyalert is TRUE after I hit okay. Is there a way to reset the input for shinyalert so that it will re-trigger my observe when I hit action button the second/third.. time in a session.

I tried to assign NULL/FALSE/0 to input$shinyalert (input$shinyalert <- NULL) but it gave me this error.

Error in $<-.reactivevalues: 
Attempted to assign value to a read-only reactivevalues object

Here is my code

# observe event for my action button
observeEvent(input$action, {
      shinyalert("","Are you sure?", type="warning", showCancelButton = TRUE)

        newrow <- data.frame(a = "fisrt",
                             b = "second",
                             c = "third")

      # appending to mytable in SQL server
      dbWriteTable(conn, "mytable", newrow, append = TRUE)


  • Can't you use a R callback function, like this:

    ui <- fluidPage(
      actionButton("btn", "Append row")
    server <- function(input, output, session){
      appendTable <- function(){
        newrow <- data.frame(a = "fisrt",
                             b = "second",
                             c = "third")
        dbWriteTable(conn, "mytable", newrow, append = TRUE)
      observeEvent(input[["btn"]], {
        shinyalert("", "Are you sure?", type = "warning", showCancelButton = TRUE, 
                   callbackR = function(x){
                     if(x) appendTable()
    shinyApp(ui, server)

    Otherwise, to reset, you can use a JS callback:

      observeEvent(input[["btn"]], {
        shinyalert("", "Are you sure?", type = "warning", showCancelButton = TRUE, 
                   callbackJS = "function(x){
                     setTimeout(function(){Shiny.setInputValue('shinyalert', false);}, 0);