In generic api, why sometimes a type parameter is written before the return type and sometimes it needs not?
Given the following two Steam API as example
Stream<T> limit(long maxSize)
<R> Stream<R> map(Function<? super T,? extends R> mapper)
Why Stream.limit
's return type can just be written as Stream<T>
but not <T> Stream<T>
When to use <T> returnType <T>
and when to use returnType<T>
The first <R>
in <R> Stream<R>
is just another part of the method signature - the type parameters. You shouldn't view <R> Stream<R>
as "one" thing, as you seem to have done in your question title.
The first <R>
is just there to tell you what the type parameters of this method are, so map
is a generic method. limit
is not a generic method, because it does not have this part in its signature.
You might be confused about limit
isn't a generic method, since it clearly returns something that has a generic parameter T
in it. Well, T
is actually the generic parameter of the enclosing class Stream<T>
, so limit
can't really return any other type than the Stream<T>
on which it was called. If you call limit
on a Stream<A>
, you can't expect it to give you a Stream<B>
. Therefore, limit
is not generic.
Note that T
is also used the parameter list of map
when to use
and when to just usereturnType<T>
The big difference here is <T> returnType<T>
makes the method generic. returnType<T>
is not a generic method, and can only be used if T
actually exists in the context.