I am working on an anagram solver in C. Hit a problem where the solver will return the first few anagrams correctly, however on ones that extend past 2 words, it begins to enter an infinite loop.
I enter "team sale rest" into the anagram solver, it responds with teamster ale, and a few others. Then when it arrives at releases, it enters an infinite loop where it prints "releases am matt" "releases am am matt" etc.
Here is the code base:
//recursively find matches for each sub-word
int findMatches(char string[], char found_so_far[])
printf("String entering function: %s\n", string);
int string_length = strlen(string);
int_char_ptr *results = getPowerSet(string, string_length);
return 2;
// selects length of subset, starting with the largest
for (int i = string_length - 1; i > 0; i--)
// iterates through all the subsets of a particular length
for(int j = 0; j < results->count[i]; j++)
word_array *matches = NULL;
// check words against dictionary
matches = dictionary_check(results->table[i][j]);
if (matches)
// iterate through matches
for(size_t k = 0; k < matches->size; k++)
int found_length;
// find out length of string needed for found
if (strcmp(found_so_far, "") == 0)
found_length = strlen(matches->arr[k]) + 1;
found_length = strlen(found_so_far) + strlen(matches->arr[k]) + 2;
char found[found_length];
// on first passthrough, copy directly from matches
if (strcmp(found_so_far, "") == 0)
strcpy(found, matches->arr[k]);
sprintf(found, "%s %s", found_so_far, matches->arr[k]);
char tempstr[string_length];
strcpy(tempstr, string);
char *remain = get_remaining_letters(tempstr, results->table[i][j]);
// if there are no letters remaining
if (strcmp(remain, "") == 0)
printf("MATCH FOUND: %s \n", found);
// alternatively, could store strings to array
findMatches(remain, found);
free(results->table[i][results->count[i] - 1]);
return 0;
How I read it (I am obviously missing something) is that it should try to match all matches, and if it can't , it should move to the next subset of letters found.
I have tries going through with a debugger, and cant make rhyme or reason of it.
As mentioned above in the commment:
get_remaining_letters used the original results->table[i][j] and removed the letters. This would leave an empty string for the next iteration and cause it to not perform as expected. Fixed by copying the string to a temporary one inside that function.