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Zoom/scale at mouse position

I am struggling to figure out and determine how to zoom on my mouse position based on this example. (

let node,
    scale = 1,
    posX = 0,
    posY = 0,
    node = document.querySelector('.frame');

const render = () => {
  window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    let val = `translate3D(${posX}px, ${posY}px, 0px) scale(${scale})` = val

window.addEventListener('wheel', (e) => {

  // Zooming happens here
  if (e.ctrlKey) {
    scale -= e.deltaY * 0.01;
  } else {
    posX -= e.deltaX * 2;
    posY -= e.deltaY * 2;


My desired effect is based on this example ( when zooming in. Currently my example above only scales to the center of the "viewport" but I want it to be where my cursor currently is.

I have searched high and low for a solution that is not implemented via canvas. Any help would be appreciated!

Caveat The reason why I am using the wheel event is to mimic the interaction of Figma (the design tool) panning and zooming.


  • Use the canvas for zoomable content

    Zooming and panning elements is very problematic. It can be done but the list of issues is very long. I would never implement such an interface.

    Consider using the canvas, via 2D or WebGL to display such content to save your self many many problems.

    The first part of the answer is implemented using the canvas. The same interface view is used in the second example that pans and zooms an element.

    A simple 2D view.

    As you are only panning and zooming then a very simple method can be used.

    The example below implements an object called view. This holds the current scale and position (pan)

    It provides two function for user interaction.

    • Panning the function view.pan(amount) will pan the view by distance in pixels held by amount.x, amount.y
    • Zooming the function view.scaleAt(at, amount) will scale (zoom in out) the view by amount (a number representing change in scale), at the position held by at.x, at.y in pixels.

    In the example the view is applied to the canvas rendering context using view.apply() and a set of random boxes are rendered whenever the view changes. The panning and zooming is via mouse events

    Example using canvas 2D context

    Use mouse button drag to pan, wheel to zoom

    const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    canvas.width = 500;
    canvas.height = 500;
    const rand = (m = 255, M = m + (m = 0)) => (Math.random() * (M - m) + m) | 0;
    const objects = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      objects.push({x: rand(canvas.width), y: rand(canvas.height),w: rand(40),h: rand(40), col: `rgb(${rand()},${rand()},${rand()})`});
    const view = (() => {
      const matrix = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; // current view transform
      var m = matrix;             // alias 
      var scale = 1;              // current scale
      var ctx;                    // reference to the 2D context
      const pos = { x: 0, y: 0 }; // current position of origin
      var dirty = true;
      const API = {
        set context(_ctx) { ctx = _ctx; dirty = true },
        apply() {
          dirty && this.update();
        get scale() { return scale },
        get position() { return pos },
        isDirty() { return dirty },
        update() {
          dirty = false;
          m[3] = m[0] = scale;
          m[2] = m[1] = 0;
          m[4] = pos.x;
          m[5] = pos.y;
        pan(amount) {
           pos.x += amount.x;
           pos.y += amount.y;
           dirty = true;
        scaleAt(at, amount) { // at in canvas pixel coords 
          scale *= amount;
          pos.x = at.x - (at.x - pos.x) * amount;
          pos.y = at.y - (at.y - pos.y) * amount;
          dirty = true;
      return API;
    view.context = ctx;
    function drawCanvas() {
        if (view.isDirty()) { 
            ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); 
            ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
            view.apply(); // set the 2D context transform to the view
            for (i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
                var obj = objects[i];
                ctx.fillStyle = obj.col;
                ctx.fillRect(obj.x, obj.y, obj.h, obj.h);
    const EVT_OPTS = {passive: true};
    canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseEvent, EVT_OPTS);
    canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseEvent, EVT_OPTS);
    canvas.addEventListener("mouseup",   mouseEvent, EVT_OPTS);
    canvas.addEventListener("mouseout",  mouseEvent, EVT_OPTS);
    canvas.addEventListener("wheel",     mouseWheelEvent, EVT_OPTS);
    const mouse = {x: 0, y: 0, oldX: 0, oldY: 0, button: false};
    function mouseEvent(event) {
        if (event.type === "mousedown") { mouse.button = true }
        if (event.type === "mouseup" || event.type === "mouseout") { mouse.button = false }
        mouse.oldX = mouse.x;
        mouse.oldY = mouse.y;
        mouse.x = event.offsetX;
        mouse.y = event.offsetY    
        if (mouse.button) { // pan if button down
            view.pan({x: mouse.x - mouse.oldX, y: mouse.y - mouse.oldY});
    function mouseWheelEvent(event) {
        var x = event.offsetX;
        var y = event.offsetY;
        if (event.deltaY < 0) { view.scaleAt({x, y}, 1.1) }
        else { view.scaleAt({x, y}, 1 / 1.1) }
    body {
      background: gainsboro;
      margin: 0;
    canvas {
      background: white;
      box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);
    <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

    Example using

    This example uses the element style transform property to zoom and pan.

    • Note that I use a 2D matrix rather than the 3d matrix as that can introduce many problems not compatible with the simple zoom and pan used below.

    • Note that CSS transforms are not applied to the top left of the element in all cases. In the example below the origin is in the center of the element. Thus when zooming the zoom at point must be adjusted by subtracting half the elements size. The element size is not effected by the transform.

    • Note borders, padding, and margins will also change the location of the origin. To work with view.scaleAt(at, amount) at must be relative to the top left most pixel of the element

    • Note there are many more problems and caveats you need to consider when you zoom and pan elements, too many to fit in a single answer. That is why this answer starts with a canvas example as it is by far the safer method to managing zoom-able visual content.

    Use mouse button drag to pan, wheel to zoom. If you lose your position (zoom too far in out or panned of the page restart the snippet)

    const view = (() => {
        var dirty = true;             // If true transform matrix needs to update
        var scale = 1;                // current scale
        const matrix = [1,0,0,1,0,0]; // current view transform
        const m = matrix;             // alias 
        const pos = { x: 0, y: 0 };   // current position of origin
        const API = {
            applyTo(element) {
                dirty && this.update();
       = `matrix(${m.join(`,`)})`;
            update() {
                dirty = false;
                m[3] = m[0] = scale;
                m[2] = m[1] = 0;
                m[4] = pos.x;
                m[5] = pos.y;
            pan(amount) {
                pos.x += amount.x;
                pos.y += amount.y;
                dirty = true;
            scaleAt(at, amount) { // at in screen coords
                scale *= amount;
                pos.x = at.x - (at.x - pos.x) * amount;
                pos.y = at.y - (at.y - pos.y) * amount;
                dirty = true;
        return API;
    document.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseEvent, {passive: false});
    document.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseEvent, {passive: false});
    document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseEvent, {passive: false});
    document.addEventListener("mouseout", mouseEvent, {passive: false});
    document.addEventListener("wheel", mouseWheelEvent, {passive: false});
    const mouse = {x: 0, y: 0, oldX: 0, oldY: 0, button: false};
    function mouseEvent(event) {
        if (event.type === "mousedown") { mouse.button = true }
        if (event.type === "mouseup" || event.type === "mouseout") { mouse.button = false }
        mouse.oldX = mouse.x;
        mouse.oldY = mouse.y;
        mouse.x = event.pageX;
        mouse.y = event.pageY;
        if (mouse.button) { // pan if button down
            view.pan({x: mouse.x - mouse.oldX, y: mouse.y - mouse.oldY});
    function mouseWheelEvent(event) {
        const x = event.pageX - (zoomMe.width / 2);
        const y = event.pageY - (zoomMe.height / 2);
        const scaleBy = event.deltaY < 0 ? 1.1 : 1 / 1.1;
        view.scaleAt({x, y}, scaleBy);
    body {
       user-select: none;    
       -moz-user-select: none;    
    .zoomables {
        pointer-events: none;
        border: 1px solid black;
    #zoomMe {
        position: absolute;
        top: 0px;
        left: 0px;
    <img id="zoomMe" class="zoomables" src="">