I realize there are 400 questions with the same title here, but for every one, the issue is that the onClick method was NOT a function. Mine is.
onClick={() => {
console.log("Why Can't You See Me?")
I selected the button that I am clicking with chrome developer tools to show that it is 100% the correct button. I'm so confused as to why the onClick isn't firing.
The button is positioned "absolute", if that helps. Could there be anything intercepting the onClick event? I'm relatively new to frontend, but I'm assuming that the issue is with something over top of it, but i dont see it at all.
I'm using https://github.com/mlaursen/react-dd-menu, I basically copied their example code. Any thoughts?
Edit: Added a video demonstrating this: https://youtu.be/qnsp4XTAKzI ... something else it taking priority perhaps?
Edit 2: Here is a picture demonstrating the result of jsejcksn's command.. undefined:
Edit 3: Replaced {title()} with {"This button does not work"} and it still does not accept clicks.
Edit 4: Reproduced on Codepen: https://codesandbox.io/s/adoring-wozniak-r6vct?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark
The problem stems from this line: https://github.com/mlaursen/react-dd-menu/blob/master/src/js/NestedDropdownMenu.js#L45. It's intercepting all clicks and stopping propagation. Removing this line: https://github.com/mlaursen/react-dd-menu/blob/master/src/js/NestedDropdownMenu.js#L54, fixes the issue.
Working example:
That said, the react-dd-menu
package is extremely dated. I'd recommend looking for other alternatives (or developing your own drop menu!).