I have to call a function that needs my active document to be close. Since I can't close an active document I create an empty project and use OpenAndActivateDocument to set the empty project to active. Than I close the first document and call that function, after that I call OpenAndActivateDocument to reopen the first document. When I call OpenAndActivateDocument an ArgumentException is generated: The file is not a Revit document.
I have checked the string filePath before the exception and it is a valid path to a project.
Here is my code:
string filePath = mainDoc.PathName;
string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
try { mainDoc.Save(); } catch (Exception) { }
Document placeHolder = uiapp.Application.NewProjectDocument(UnitSystem.Metric); //Creo un progetto temporaneo vuoto
if (File.Exists(@"C:\Users\Public\placeholder.rvt")) {
placeHolder = uiapp.OpenAndActivateDocument(placeHolder.PathName).Document; //Apro il progetto temporaneo e lo attivo
mainDoc.Close(false); //Chiudo il progetto precedente
if (!Documenta.messageBroker.SCheckInDoc(fileName, DcmRPC.DcmEnum.enumCheckinType.AutoIn, 0)) { //Faccio il checkin del progetto
TaskDialog.Show("Errore", "Impossibile effettuare il check in, codice documento: " + fileName);
return Result.Failed;
mainDoc = uiapp.OpenAndActivateDocument(filePath).Document; //Riapro il progetto principale
placeHolder.Close(false); //Chiudo il progetto temporaneo
if (File.Exists(@"C:\Users\Public\placeholder.rvt")) {
catch (Exception exc) {
TaskDialog.Show("Errore", exc.ToString());
message = exc.Message;
return Result.Failed;
Solved it. There simply wasn't enough space on the disk.