For the program I am writing I need to create an array with a user-defined size, as well as random values between -15 and 15. As such i am using srand along with dynamic array casting. This is my full code below:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main()
//initialize variables
double minValue;
double maxValue;
double firstQuartile;
double thirdQuartile;
double skewness;
int size;
std::cout << "Please enter the size of the data set: "; //get data set size from user
std::cin >> size;
int* dataSet = new int[size];
cout << endl << "These are the randomly generated values: ";
srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL)));
int i = size;
for (int x = 0; x < i; x++) //generate random numbers
dataSet[i] = (rand() % 31) - 15;
cout << dataSet[i] << " ";
While it still compiles, I need it to do so without errors and the section I've highlighted below is causing two errors I do not know how to fix.
int i = size;
for (int x = 0; x < i; x++) //generate random numbers
dataSet[i] = (rand() % 31) - 15;
cout << dataSet[i] << " ";
C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'dataSet': the writable size is 'size*4' bytes, but 'i' bytes might be written.
C6385 Reading invalid data from 'dataSet': the readable size is 'size*4' bytes, but 'i' bytes may be read.
In this loop the index variable x not i.
So change the loop like
int i = size;
for (int x = 0; x < i; x++) //generate random numbers
dataSet[x] = (rand() % 31) - 15;
cout << dataSet[x] << " ";
In fact the variable i is redundant and makes the code error prone. Why not to write
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) //generate random numbers
dataSet[i] = (rand() % 31) - 15;
cout << dataSet[i] << " ";