I'm trying to adjust the all_inclusive svg image to my rectangular button. The shape itself is rectangular as well but the vector asset is square (24x24) with white spaces above and under the shape. These spaces force the shape itself to be very small. How to make the all inclusive svg rectangular by deleting that padding on top and on bottom?
In this picture the image is set to fit the guidelines on the left, top and right side:
app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="0.25" />
Things that did not work:
ACCEPTED SOLUTION (edit with InkShape):
Update using Inkscape version 1.1:
Unfortunately, the latest version of Inkscape (1.1) no longer will import a vector drawable file directly, so the original answer is not 100% correct. That answer will probably work with other editors that can handle vector drawable files.
Here is an update to that answer that works with later versions of Inkscape to remove all padding from a vector drawable.
Convert vector drawable to scaled vector graphic (SVG):
Now that we have an SVG file, we can edit it with Inkscape:
The image is now cropped in an SVG file. We need to convert it back to a vector drawable.
Once imported, the vector drawable no longer has any padding.
Use an image editor that can handle SVG files to crop the image. I used InkScape but there are others. Once the image is cropped, you can import it into Android Studio as an XML file.