When I use remote debugger in IntelliJ to debug a Java application on server, it stops on breakpoints successfully but when I try to evaluate any expressions or variables it hangs and shows nothing (usually with "collecting data" message). From that point I can't even continue stepping through code anymore. I have to click resume so it at least runs, but it will never stop at other breakpoints too until I restart the debug session and usually even the Java application being debugged.
I can step through the code after stopping on breakpoint, also I see the variables in the debugger panel, it only starts to behave weirdly when I try to evaluate an expression or add a watcher. Then it stops working and restart of the debugger and the app is needed.
Did anybody experience something similar? Is it IntelliJ or server problem?
(sorry this is so vaguely described, but I have no idea what to share or what the problem might be)
Expression evaluation during remote debug need more data to be sync then the other operations ( breakpoints add/remove, step managements ecc ). So this kind of issue should be just related to: