CREATE TABLE company (id SERIAL, companyJson JSONB);
CREATE INDEX comapny_gin_idx ON company USING gin (companyJson);
INSERT INTO company (id, companyJson)
VALUES (1, '[{"name": "t", "company": "company1"}]');
INSERT INTO company (id, companyJson)
VALUES (2, '[{"name": "b", "company":"company2"}, {"name": "b", "company":"company3"}]');
SELECT * FROM company WHERE companyJson @> '[{"company": "company2" , "name": "b"}]';
The output of the above program is
2 [{"name": "b", "company": "company2"}, {"name": "b", "company": "company3"}]
Is there anyway to return {"name": "b", "company": "company2"} instead whole row.
I can only think of unnesting the array and the return the element from that:
FROM company c
cross join jsonb_array_elements(c.companyjson) as x(j)
where x.j = '{"company": "company2" , "name": "b"}'