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Why Hamcrest `matches` method uses Object as input type and does not use generic type as input

I'm new to Java, learning Hamcrest framework.

I've read the code of the Matcher interface, and I don't understand the comment and the method signature of matches(Object actual). I expected it to be matches(T actual), and use the generic type T instead of Object which accept everything.

This is the source code:

for the matches method:

public interface Matcher<T> extends SelfDescribing {

     * Evaluates the matcher for argument <var>item</var>.
     * This method matches against Object, instead of the generic type T. This is
     * because the caller of the Matcher does not know at runtime what the type is
     * (because of type erasure with Java generics). It is down to the implementations
     * to check the correct type.
     * @param actual the object against which the matcher is evaluated.
     * @return <code>true</code> if <var>item</var> matches, otherwise <code>false</code>.
     * @see BaseMatcher
    boolean matches(Object actual);

Reading the comment above the method, shows this is by intention, and I don't understand why. I know what is type erasure in java. But still I don't understand why the designer of Hamcrest thought it is better to have Object as input rather than generic type for interface which is declared to be generic public interface Matcher<T> extends SelfDescribing


  • Q:

    I don't understand why.

    A: (from JavaDocs)

    This is because the caller of the Matcher does not know at runtime what the type is (because of type erasure with Java generics). It is down to the implementations to check the correct type.

    also from JavaDocs:

    When using Hamcrest, there is no guarantee as to how often matches() or describeMismatch() will be called

    You have to take a look at the Hamcrest-Libs implementation.
    So, your matches() implementation is called internally by Hamcrest (with any Object). At runtime, Hamcrest has no chance to know (and find!) the correct matches(...) method, because the generics were cleared. You need to check yourself, if the object passed (by Hamcrest), really matches. This does not have much to do with Hamcrest.
