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TYPO3 v10.2: Frontend user session saving ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user) in Custom Authentication Service

Right now I am upgrading an old pibased Extension from 6.2 to an extbase 10.2 Extension. After some research I found out that the Request Workflow for Frontend Requests has changed in TYPO3 10.0 (Issue #88540). From the Changelog:

TSFE is instantiated after all site resolving, authentication, page resolving and argument validation is done.

Since I used to store user sessions in $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user with $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->setKey('ses','key', $value) while authentication process (Custom authService) I am not able to store it anymore because of the changed request workflow. $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user is now instantiated after the authentication process. It seems like that saving frontend user session has to be moved into Middleware (found some Information here: Task #88541). Since I never dealt with Middlewares, my Question now is how I can achive saving my frontend user session data by using a middleware Class? Under Configuration\RequestMiddlewares.php I got following config:

return [
    'frontend' => [
        'my-middleware-identifier' => [
            'target' => \Vendor\Extension\Middleware\Session::class,
            'after' => [

Thanks in advance!


  • Since TYPO3 v10.0.0 the Request Workflow for Frontend Requests has changed. That's why it isn't possible anymore to store session data during the authentication process. See: Changed Request Workflow for Frontend Requests I used a custom middleware for this to store it after the $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user has been created.