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Is there a board for manager to check the progress of all test plans?

When I open the dashboard, I can see the progress of test run which assigned to me. But as a test manager, I want to check the progress of all test plans which assigned to the testers. Now, I have to open each test plan to check the processing. So do TCMS have a similar function board for the manager?


  • For a cumulative information about TestRun execution progress check Telemetry -> Testing -> Execution trends. It provides the info you are looking for. From the latest version 8.0 there is also a progress bar showing you total number of tests + total number of statuses.

    You can filter by product, version, build and particular test plan. You can also filter by timestamp. In the future (see menu option Telemetry -> More coming soon) there will also be possibility to group by weeks, not test runs.

    If this doesn't provide what you need then you have to explain to us what is missing and how do you imagine it to look like. If you can provide a sketch that would be even better.