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How to customize react-native-gifted-chat in React Native 0.61

Just wanted to share.

I was finding it difficult to customize the default UI for this package. The official documentation wasn't that helpful.

Luckily, I was able to solve it.

See answer


  • Make your imports

    import {GiftedChat, InputToolbar,...} from 'react-native-gifted-chat'

    Customizing the InputToolbar

    Note: InputToolbar must be imported since we want to customize it

    Create a function called customInputToolbar that will return the custom UI

    const customtInputToolbar = props => {
      return (
            backgroundColor: "white",
            borderTopColor: "#E8E8E8",
            borderTopWidth: 1,
            padding: 8

    Note: props must be an argument.

    Tip: Since all props for the InputToolbar were not listed in the official github page (, you can Cmd + Left Click on the InputToolbar tag while in your editor. This will navigate you to the source file within which all props are listed. Be careful not to edit anything !!

    Include the renderInputToolbar as a prop in the GiftedChat component

        onSend={messages => sendMessage(messages)}
        renderInputToolbar={props => customtInputToolbar(props)}

    Note: Remember to pass props as an argument to the function. Without this, the UI will not display

    You're done !!

    Customizing the SystemMessage component or using an absolutely custom UI

    Include SystemMessage in your import

    Create a function called customSystemMessage

      const customSystemMessage = props => {
        return (
          <View style={styles.ChatMessageSytemMessageContainer}>
            <Icon name="lock" color="#9d9d9d" size={16} />
            <Text style={styles.ChatMessageSystemMessageText}>
              Your chat is secured. Remember to be cautious about what you share
              with others.

    Include renderSystemMessage as a prop in your GiftedChat component

    You're done

    Hope this helps!