Our service provider asked for the following information for the SAML integration.
Now it's my first time trying with SAML and I need to build the identity provider and I'd like to use ASP.NET Core Identity for user authentication.
As I understand it right, the flow would be
I've researched and found several open-source SAML integrations with ASP.NET Core such as Sustainsys or ITfoxtec. Sustainsys has several samples and it seems like SampleIdentityServer4AspNetIdentity is the way to go.
new EntityId("https://localhost:44342/Saml2")
and new EntityId("http://localhost:52071/Metadata")
in Startup.cs
and where can I get those values?Any guidance would be appreciated.
The login flow you describe is correct.
It is possible to build a identity provider using the ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2 package and ASP.NET Core Identity. I have implemented identity providers using the ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2 package a number of times. But you need to be aware of implementing a secure solution, it needs to be done rights else you will leave the hacker a bunch of possibilities :)
The new EntityId("https://localhost:44342/Saml2")
is the identity providers id which you define yourself.
A link to a ASP.NET Core identity provider sample application https://github.com/ITfoxtec/ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2/tree/master/test/TestIdPCore. Howewer, the sample application is not using the ASP.NET Core Identity.