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Copying Multiple Slides from a Master Slide Desk using Google Apps Script

I have created a code which replaces placeholders on google slides. The starting point of this project is a google form. Once the google form has been submitted - then the relevant data from google form is entered on the google slides template. See below code. I am looking to create a question on the form where people will be able to select multiple slides to be included (2 Credential slides for example out of 10)

function PoD() {


  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
  var lr = ss.getLastRow()

  for (var i =2;i<lr;i++){

    if(ss.getRange(i, 1).getValue()){

  //Make a copy of the template file
  var documentId = DriveApp.getFileById('1REHMrl6kfzXbgSipvBDkNitkfsM8tJsUSAICggxNsHw').makeCopy().getId();

  var Name_of_programme = ss.getRange(i, 2).getValue();

  DriveApp.getFileById(documentId).setName("PwC's Academy_"+Name_of_client+"_"+Name_of_programme+"_"+Month);

  var FileName = Name_of_programme;

  //Get the document body as a variable
  var body = SlidesApp.openById(documentId);

  body.replaceAllText('{Name of programme}', Name_of_programme);

  var lastSlide = body.getSlides();

I am looking to continue the script to include a function to select multiple slides. I saw the below script to copy one slide but have not been able to figure out how to copy multiple slides easily.

var srcPresentationId = "### source fileId ###";
var copysrcSlideIndex = 0; // 0 means page 1.

var copydstSlideIndex = 0; // 0 means page 1.

var src = SlidesApp.openById(srcPresentationId).getSlides()[copysrcSlideIndex];
SlidesApp.getActivePresentation().insertSlide(copydstSlideIndex, src);

I want to give people the choice to select which slides to include on the google form as multiple choice.

At the back end of the script, would I need to map the names of the slides with slide numbers? or can have include a unique reference in a text box on each slide and then select the relevant slide? Thinking out loud here. Any guidance would be appreciated.


    • You want to copy the 5, 7, and 9 pages (indexes of 4, 6 and 8) in the master Google Slides to other Google Slides.
    • You want to achieve this using Google Apps Script.

    I could understand like above. If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.


    1. Retrieve all slides from the master Google Slides.
    2. Copy the required slide to the destination Google Slides in the loop.

    Pattern 1:

    Sample script:

    Before you run the script, please set the variables.

    function myFunction() {
      var copyPageNumbers = [5, 7, 9];  // Please set the page number. This is not the index. So the 1st page is 1.
      var masterGoogleSlidesId = "###";  // Please set the master Google Slides ID.
      var destinationGoogleSlidesId = "###";  // Please set the destination Google Slides ID.
      var offset = 1;
      var src = SlidesApp.openById(masterGoogleSlidesId);
      var dst = SlidesApp.openById(destinationGoogleSlidesId);
      var slides = src.getSlides();
      var page = 0;
      slides.forEach(function(slide, i) {
        if (copyPageNumbers.indexOf(i + 1) != -1) {
          dst.insertSlide(offset + page, slide);

    Pattern 2:

    Sample script:

    function myFunction() {
      var copyPageNumbers = [5, 7, 9];  // Please set the page number. This is not the index. So the 1st page is 1.
      var masterGoogleSlidesId = "###";  // Please set the master Google Slides ID.
      var destinationGoogleSlidesId = "###";  // Please set the destination Google Slides ID.
      var offset = 1;
      var src = SlidesApp.openById(masterGoogleSlidesId);
      var dst = SlidesApp.openById(destinationGoogleSlidesId);
      var slides = src.getSlides();
      copyPageNumbers.forEach(function(p, i) {
        dst.insertSlide(offset + i, slides[p - 1]);


    • In both patterns, the pages of 5, 7 and 9 of the master Google Slides are copied from 2nd page in the destination Google Slides.
      • When var offset = 0 is used, the pages of 5, 7 and 9 of the master Google Slides are copied from 1st page in the destination Google Slides.
