How can I check the values of Xmx, Xms, and other JVM values, which are in standalone.conf, using the CLI?
[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /core-service=platform-mbean/type=memory:read-resource(recursive=true,proxies=true,include-runtime=true,include-defaults=true)
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {
"heap-memory-usage" => {
"init" => 3246391296L,
"used" => 381631592L,
"committed" => 3111124992L,
"max" => 3111124992L
"non-heap-memory-usage" => {
"init" => 2555904L,
"used" => 80962112L,
"committed" => 90963968L,
"max" => 1317011456L
"object-name" => "java.lang:type=Memory",
"object-pending-finalization-count" => 0,
"verbose" => true
I need this values: JAVA_OPTS="-Xms3096m -Xmx3096m -XX:MetaspaceSize=256m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m"
You can't. These files, which live outside of the configuration directory, are native batch type files. That's why there is a standalone.conf
and a standalone.conf.bat
- they are O/S dependent. The CLI interacts with standalone.xml
(or the other standalone configuration files) which is the O/S independent configuration.