I keep running into "Gatt Error: Not Supported" whenever I call startNotifications(). I've looked into the compatibility and implementation page and it looks like this function should be implemented (I'm using Chrome 80 on Windows 10, I also enabled the experimental web features in chrome, but that didn't fix it). I can't figure out why the error keeps popping up.
Here's the code:
function connect(){
return my_device.gatt.connect()
.then(server => {
console.log("Getting Service...");
return server.getPrimaryService(0x1800);
.then(service => {
console.log("Getting Characteristic...");
return service.getCharacteristic("00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");
//return service.getCharacteristic("00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");
.then(characteristic => {
console.log("Characteristic Type: " + characteristic);
my_character = characteristic;
console.log("Before Notification");
return my_character.startNotifications().then(_ => {
console.log('Notifications started');
I figured it out. I was using the wrong characteristic uuid and got a channel that didn't accept notifications. Confusingly, rather than giving the usual "not permitted" error it spat out a "not supported" error instead.
You can check what properties a characteristic supports via characteristic.properties.[#thing you want to check]