(map :one '({:one "one"}))
;; ("one")
(map :name '(r b))
;; (nil nil)
(:name r)
;; "Steve"
(map :one '({:one "one"} {:one "two"}))
;; ("one" "two")
;; {:color :red, :name "Steve"}
Map, as you can see here, seems to work as expected for a list of hashmaps but for maps that have been bound to the symbol r
and b
, map returns nil
What's going on here, why doesn't map return the correct value for r
(Which IMO should be the string "Steve")
Due to '(r b)
, you're getting the literal symbols r
and b
, not the maps they resolve to.
Here you're invoking (:name 'r)
and that returns nil