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Android webView evaluateJavaScript executes undefined function

I'm developing an Android application that contains a WebView. I am trying to override onKeyDown activity's method.

I want to call a javascript method everytime phone's backButton is pressed and if the method is undefined I want to execute other native instruction (I want to close the activity).

This is the sense: natively I do this

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
    if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
        switch (keyCode) {
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK:
                if (true) {
                    webView.evaluateJavascript(  "try{pageGoBack();}" +
                return true;
    return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);

And for every jsp server side I want to implement something like this:

        function pageGoBack() {
                       ---do something to go back---

This method had to have the same name "pageGoBack" for every jsp but can have different inner code

That's the fact: before I load one of that jsp with the pageGoBack method everything works (error 'undefined' is catched and JSInterface method is executed).

When I load one of that page the method "remains in cache (???)" and it is always executed (also in those page without it) .

(Look that I also added webView.clearCache(true); but the problem remains)

Thank you -


  • [SOLVED]

    That was not a problem of Android's WebView or cache. That's a problem of javascript. When a function is defined in as "global" it assumes the global scope when it is evaluated for the first time. So when I visited the .jsp which contains pageGoBack() for the first time the function became globally visible.

    Solution for my case:

    I have lots of jsp with graphic component like this ◄ that means "go back to the previous page". I needed to associate the -jquery button tap function of the current page- to the Android back button. So I:

    • Created an empty css class .empty-class-for-back-button
    • Gave this class to all those ◄ component
    • Made a global js function like this
    function pageGoBack() { 
     var backBtn = $('.empty-class-for-back-button');
     if (backBtn.length > 0){
      throw "css class not found";
    • Android code is the same I've written in the question

    Exception is now thrown correctly if there is no ◄ element in the current page.

    Hope this can be helpful to somebody.