I am using ADB to log in Windows PowerShell from a Unity built application running on a connected Android device. I am only interested in my own message invoked in script from e.g. UnityEngine.Debug.Log("## State set to SolvingAnchor"), but Unity appends 8 lines to this message:
02-11 10:07:42.658 8293 8315 I Unity : Assets.Scripts.TrackedImageHandler:Update()
02-11 10:07:42.658 8293 8315 I Unity :
As seen in the output filtering on regex is not working as I would have hoped. Is there a way to only print the message and skip the Unity generated redundant lines?
In the Project Settings > Player > Android > Other Settings > Logging set all Logging Types to None or Script Only.
This will keep the ADB logcat rather compact.