Given these inputs:
my $init_seq = "AAAAAAAAAA" #length 10 bp
my $sub_rate = 0.003;
my $nof_tags = 1000;
my @dna = qw( A C G T );
I want to generate:
One thousand length-10 tags
Substitution rate for each position in a tag is 0.003
Yielding output like:
AAGGAAAAGA # 1000th tags
Is there a compact way to do it in Perl?
I am stuck with the logic of this script as core:
my $init_seq = "AAAAAAAAAA" #length 10 bp
my $sub_rate = 0.003;
my $nof_tags = 1000;
my @dna = qw( A C G T );
$i = 0;
while ($i < length($init_seq)) {
$roll = int(rand 4) + 1; # $roll is now an integer between 1 and 4
if ($roll == 1) {$base = A;}
elsif ($roll == 2) {$base = T;}
elsif ($roll == 3) {$base = C;}
elsif ($roll == 4) {$base = G;};
print $base;
continue {
As a small optimisation, replace:
$roll = int(rand 4) + 1; # $roll is now an integer between 1 and 4
if ($roll == 1) {$base = A;}
elsif ($roll == 2) {$base = T;}
elsif ($roll == 3) {$base = C;}
elsif ($roll == 4) {$base = G;};
$base = $dna[int(rand 4)];