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Component not re-rendering when calling function from child

I am trying to change the property by calling the parent function from the child. Here is the link to an example. I assume that the property change triggers re-render when the function called from the event i.e. @click. But is it possible to change the property and trigger re-render by passing the function to the child and calling it?

class ParentComponent extends LitElement {

      static get properties() {
        return {
          value: { type: String, reflect: true }

      constructor() {
        this.value = 'value';

      handleClick(value) {
        this.value = value;

      render() {
        return html `
            <p>My Value: ${this.value}</p>

          <button @click="${() => this.handleClick('value from parent')}">Parent Button</button>


 customElements.define('parent-component', ParentComponent);

 class ChildComponent extends LitElement {

      static get properties() {
        return {
          handleClick: { type: Function }

      render() {
        return html `
          <button @click="${() => this.handleClick('value from child')}">Child Button</button>


customElements.define('child-component', ChildComponent);


  • When the child button is clicked handleClick has a this context of the ChildComponent. If you update the ParentComponent template with an => function the new value gets set on the ParentComonent.

      .handleClick="${(value) => this.handleClick(value)}"