I'm trying to do a conditional test on one of my elements, but mocha just skips the "if else" statements completely and just displays the output of "it("")"
Here's how I'm doing it:
it('if test case', async function () {
var cardProcZero = await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId("card_proc_0"); // looks up the element
let visivel = expect(cardProcZero).to.be.ok; // expects it to exist
let naoVisivel = expect(cardProcZero).to.not.be.ok; // expects it not to exist
if (cardProcZero == naoVisivel) { // if it's not visible, it creates the element
let adicionarProc = await driver.waitForElementByAccessibilityId("button_addProcedimento"); // adds the element
await adicionarProc.click();
return false;
} else if (cardProcZero == visivel) { // if it is visible, it clicks on it
await cardProcZero.click(); // clicks on existing element
return true;
In the terminal, mocha outputs this, right after my last test case:
✓ if test case (527ms)
It doesn't even try to do the other existing "it's". It just skips it.
What exactly am I doing wrong?
Tried doing it without the chai.js expect, and it works.
Here's how I did it, if anyone has the same question:
it('if test case', async function () {
var cardProcZeroVerify = await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId("card_proc_0");
if (cardProcZeroVerify === false || undefined || null) {
console.warn('Adicionando novo procedimento');
let adicionarProc = await driver.waitForElementByAccessibilityId("button_addProcedimento");
await adicionarProc.click();
else {
console.warn('Abrindo um procedimento já existente');
let cardProcZero = await driver.waitForElementByAccessibilityId("card_proc_0");
await cardProcZero.click();