I've got a form_element I want to change the styling of when it is posted.
I changed already working code like this:
form_element.observe("ajax:before", function(){ /*do stuff*/ });
to this:
form_element.observe("ajax:before", changeFormToPostingStyle(form_element));
For some reason the second one fires immediately when the page is loaded - and this is regardless of the event. I tried changing the event ajax:complete/success/whatever and it still fires off prematurely. Any ideas?
It triggers at the time of the statement because
is a call to a function and the observe expects that to BE the function or a call to a function that returns a function. Change it to
form_element.observe("ajax:before", function() { changeFormToPostingStyle(this) });
form_element.observe("ajax:before", changeFormToPostingStyle);
and use this
in that function