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Angular build set target for chunked / transpiled files

We are using angular 6.

I want to create another angular app and put in in the same domain, here is the example is the main app, my new app will be hosted on

Here is what my apache configuration looks like




ProxyPass /app2/ http://app2-server:4200/
ReverseProxyPass /app2/ http://app2-server:4200/

ProxyPass / http://main-app-server:4200/
ReverseProxyPass / http://main-app-server:4200/



Now when I try to access new app, it creates the problem to download files because the angular app will insert following files in index.html main.js vendor.js styles.js etc.

Now the request of main.js from will go to because angular build process automatically adds main.js in index.html

Is there a way to say angular that instead of adding <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> my app needs to add <script type="text/javascript" src="/app2/"></script>

I understand this can be done on build process. But these are not the only files. There are chunk files which webpack refers and downloads dynamically. Those reference needs to change too.

Also developers use dev-server not build flow. So this path change needs to be part of dev-build too.

So the question is, is there a way to set path of these auto generated files (including webpack chunks)?

P.S. I use angular 6 but app2 can be upgraded to angular 9/10.


  • You can just add

    ng build --prod --base-href /app2/

    Into your build command, Or I’m pretty sure you can configure this in angular.json under build.options.baseHref

    Regarding the dev server, I’m not sure why this would matter. So I’ll need more detail there on what you’re trying to accomplish. If you’re hoping to run two projects at once, that’s a different story as you can’t have two local servers listening on 4200.