So far, I have been using this code to connect to embedded Neo4J instance:
DatabaseManagementService managementService = new DatabaseManagementServiceBuilder(new File("neo")).build();
GraphDatabaseService graphDb = managementService.database(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME);
(using this)
Now, I'm switching to Neo4J driver. But I don't know how to make the connection to embedded database. I tried this:
Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost:7687");
but obviously is not working because there is no Neo4J server running, but just a database file. I guess I need to run bolt server first, exposing neo
dir, that is where my database resides. How can I do this?
After diving into the code, I found out that this code:
DatabaseManagementService managementService = new DatabaseManagementServiceBuilder(new File("neo")).build();
actually starts a bolt server. So I did this:
DatabaseManagementService managementService = new DatabaseManagementServiceBuilder(new File("neo")).build();
Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost:7687");
and everything started working.