I am getting a StackOverflowError when calling a method of my MongoDB repository interface:
public interface TermRepository extends MongoRepository<Term, String>, QuerydslPredicateExecutor<Term> {
// [...]
@Query("{$or:[{'apis' : {$in : ?0 } }, {$text:{$search:?1}}]}")
Page<Term> globalSearch(List<DBRef> apis, String searchKeyword, Pageable pageable);
is a list with just one DBRef: new DBRef("api", new ObjectId("5e3ad9faaafa595898b6a682"))
equals "accounts"
is Page request [number: 0, size 37, sort: UNSORTED]
. If size
is 36, it doesn't throw the StackOverflowError!{
$or: [{
'apis': {
$in: [{
'$ref': 'api',
'$id': ObjectId('5e3ad9faaafa595898b6a682')
}, {
$text: {
$search: 'account'
Does anyone have a clue what's happening?
The Term:
public class Term {
private String id;
private String name;
private String objectType;
private String snakeCase;
private List<String> functionalCategories;
private TermTypeEnum termType;
private Map<String, String> description;
private TermStateEnum state;
private String example;
private List<Api> apis;
private User contributor;
private String version;
private Map<String, Term> attributes;
The stacktrace: https://pastebin.com/y0XYt7p6
Although there might be a circular reference because Term has an attribute Map<String, Term>, I think it's not a circular reference what is producing the stack overflow.
Doing some debug, I saw that the stack overflow occurs because in the end spring-data keeps instantiating this Term only (not others, so I don't see the circular reference):
Term(id=5e3ad9faaafa595898b6a7ea, name=debitCurrency, objectType=string, snakeCase=debit_currency, functionalCategories=null, termType=BODY, description={"english"=Debit Currency.}, state=PROPOSED, example=null, apis=[Api(id=5e3ad9faaafa595898b6a67f, name=Payments-1.0.1, description=null, responsible=null)], contributor=null, version=null, attributes=null)
Which in turn does not reference other terms.
Here is another Term, just for comparison:
Term(id=5e3ad9faaafa595898b6a6c8, name=displayCardNumber, objectType=string, snakeCase=display_card_number, functionalCategories=null, termType=BODY, description={"english"=Related card number to the account.}, state=PROPOSED, example=null, apis=[Api(id=5e3ad9faaafa595898b6a682, name=Accounts-1.0.2, description=null, responsible=null)], contributor=null, version=null, attributes=null)
I see no difference, but debitCurrency
produces the stack overflow and displayCardNumber
I was having a circular reference (self-reference more accurately) indeed.
I've come up with a workaround that consists of making the @DBRef
of attributes, lazy=true
, and implementing a custom serializer of the class Term
, wich has the self-reference (or circular reference). The reason of implementing the custom serializer, is that I can save a set of the objects that have already been serialized, and if I have to seralize an object again, I just don't.