In CAPL, apparently you cannot pass a string as an input parameter for a user-defined function, according to the docs (see CAPL Introduction » Data Types for Function Parameters).
I'm working with file handling, both in read and write directions. I'd like to refactor my code to use a function that accepts the filename as input parameter.
Apart from the obvious workarounds, such as using a global variable, using a system/environment variable, I'm interested in the possibility of other alternatives.
How do you do it?
CAPL does not provide the string type, much like C these are "just" arrays of characters.
In the help page I was mentioning, you can pass a single char as parameter function, but not a char[] array.
What, rightfully, mr. Spiller points out is that this piece of code works:
on start
function("a string");
void function(char string[])
write ("my string is %s", string);
and outputs:
CAPL / .NET my string is a string
However, that looks like an associative array to me.
For instance, this compiles as well:
void function(int number[], char string[])
// do stuff
But understanding what is going on is suddenly more difficult, as this won't compile:
on start
function(13, "a string");
void function(int number[], char string[])
write ("my number is %d", number);
write ("my string is %s", string);
Error: types of parameters do not match.
int associativeArray[ float ];
on start
associativeArray[1] = 3;
function(associativeArray, "a string");
void function(int number[float], char string[])
for (float aKey: number)
write ("my number is %d(%f)", number[aKey], aKey);
CAPL / .NET my number is 3(1.000000)
works as intended, but then again, I'm unsure of what the caveats of using an associative array are in this scenario (I can't find out a way of iterate over the string with the same syntax, for instance), and how do you address them, if you do.
The help page you are mentioning also says further below something like
and matrices of the aforementioned datatypes (I can't remember the exact wording and don't have access to a CANoe right now).
, int[]
and so on are not associative arrays but arrays.
You may think of them as associative array but the key may only be a positive integer.
As you say CAPL and C handle strings in the same way, i.e. as arrays of characters. Therefore, coming back to your original question using a definition like
void func(char param[])
is the way to go when you want to pass a string (which is just an array of characters) to a function.
on start
function(13, "a string");
void function(int number[], char string[])
write ("my number is %d", number);
write ("my string is %s", string);
does not compile, because 13
is not an array of integers, but just a single integer. The compiler therefore says the the types do not match.
This will work:
on start
int i[1];
i[0] = 13;
function(i, "a string");
The same way the following code will also NOT compile:
void function(char string[])
on start
(note the single quotes) is just a single character and no array of characters and therefore the signature does not match.
You can get the individual characters of a string by simply using the []
operator (also same as in C).
char s[] = "abcde"; char c = s[2];
will store 'c' into s
Hope that explains it. Feel free to ask for further clarification. (I did type all this from top of my head, so please excuse any minor syntax errors)