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Integrating Cypress within TestRail

I've been trying to have my Cypress tests uploaded to their matching TestRail testcases, but so far it's not working.

Here's my current setup:

I have installed:

  • cypress
  • cypress-testrail-reporter

In my cypress.json file I have:

    "baseUrl": "my website URL",
    "projectId": "my project ID",
    "reporter": "cypress-testrail-reporter",
    "reporterOptions": {
        "domain": "",
        "username": "[email protected]",
        "password": "My API key",
        "projectId": 2,
        "suiteId": 12

In Cypress, I have a it() block named it.only("C170 Using wrong credentials", ...)

In TestRail I have the following settings:

  • API is enabled
  • I have a custom API key (used in config.json)
  • I am an admin user
  • There's a testcase with the number C170

Then, when I run cypress run --record --key my-record-key-from-cypress:

  • The tests appear in the Cypress Dashboard
  • The tests DO NOT appear in the TestRail Dashboard

Any idea what could be missing?



    Do not include http(s):// within your reporterOptions in the cypress.json file

    BAD:   "domain": ""
    GOOD:  "domain": ""

    In all fairness, it's called domain, not URL, so I removing https makes sense