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Webrtc Android DTMF Support

I am trying to implement DTMF for Android/iOS Application based out on WebRTC. Is there any API for DTMF for Android? I have tried calling the following:

m_peerConnectionFactory.insertDtmf(tone, duration,gap);

I have tried using the above api's for javascript and it works well on browser, but could nt make it work on Android. I havent tried it on iOS still, as I need to make it run on android first.

Please let me know if this is supported on Android/iOS or not? If yes, could any one please help me with the correct api's

libjingle version used : chrome 74.0.3729.169


  • I got it Working on both android and iOS . The Api createdtmfsender has been deprecated, details can be found here

    Android Code :

    RtpSender m_audioSender = null;
    for (RtpSender sender : m_peerConnection.getSenders()) {
    //m_peerConnection is object of webRTC peerconnection
      if (sender.track().kind().equals("audio")) {
       m_audioSender = sender;
    if (m_audioSender != null) {
      DtmfSender dtmfSender = m_audioSender.dtmf();
      dtmfSender.insertDtmf(m_tone, 1000, 500);//Here the timers are in ms

    iOS Code

    -(void)dtmfTonePlayer: (NSString *)dtmfTone {
        RTCRtpSender* m_audioSender = nil ;
        for( RTCRtpSender *rtpSender in m_peerConnection.senders){
         if([[[rtpSender track] kind] isEqualToString:@“audio”]) {
           DLog(@“Assigning audio to rtp sender”);
           m_audioSender = rtpSender;
         NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
         [queue addOperationWithBlock:^{
            BOOL istoneplayed = [m_audioSender.dtmfSender insertDtmf :(NSString *)dtmfTone 
            duration:(NSTimeInterval)2 interToneGap:(NSTimeInterval)0.5];
            NSLog(@“DTMF Tone played :: [%s]“, istoneplayed ? “true” : “false”);