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WebRTC never fires onIceCandidate

I started developing with WebRTC, but that thing never gives me ICE candidates. I set up everything, I'm exchanging the descriptions and stuff, I also made a super-ugly function narrow down there to make sure everything runs correctly, one after another. Signaling state is stable for both, onError is never fired (as expected), but onIceCandidate also (not as expected), and when I want to send a random, empty MediaStream object pc1.addStream(new webkitMediaStream());, it always fires onNegotiationNeeded.

Does anyone have an idea what the heck is wrong with my code? I spent hours of browsing Stack Overflow, HTML5 Rocks, and W3C docs, but I don't understand that. Here is my entire code:

var config={
var pc1=new webkitRTCPeerConnection(config);
var pc2=new webkitRTCPeerConnection(config);

var onError=function(error)

  console.log('PC1 onIceCandidate (finally) fired!');
  console.log('PC2 onIceCandidate (finally) fired!');

  console.log('PC1 oniceconnectionstatechange fired!');
  console.log('PC2 oniceconnectionstatechange fired!');
  console.log('PC1 onnegotiationneeded fired!');
  console.log('PC2 onnegotiationneeded fired!');

    pc2.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(offer),function(){
          pc1.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(answer),new Function()/*I don't need you, bro*/,onError);

BTW I'm developing with Google Chrome. I will make sure it also runs in Firefox, but right now the problem should be cross-browser. I want to make it to data channels before... (but I have nothing against a working solution with Firefox or cross-browser code)


  • In Chrome 38 and earlier, OfferToReceiveAudio defaulted to true. Starting from Chrome 39, OfferToReceiveAudio defaults to false, as announced by a WebRTC engineer at PSA: Behavior change to PeerConnection.createOffer constraint OfferToReceiveAudio (quoted below).
    Because of this change, the SDP returned by createOffer does not contain any media, and therefore the ICE gathering process never starts. You can notice the consequences of this change by observing that the ICE events are never triggered, and the PeerConnection's iceGatheringState and iceConnectionState stay "new".

    To make sure that the ICE gathering starts and complete, you have to add media to your offer, e.g. by setting OfferToReceiveAudio:true in the following constraints to your offer (either as a parameter of the PeerConnection constructor, or as a parameter to the peerConnection.createOffer method):

        mandatory: {
            OfferToReceiveAudio: true

    (other ways to get media in the SDP include setting OfferToReceiveVideo:true, or calling peerConnection.addStream with a media stream that you got from getUserMedia)

    webrtc-discuss: PSA: Behavior change to PeerConnection.createOffer constraint OfferToReceiveAudio:

    I'm going to submit a change ( to change the behavior of RTCPeerConnection.createOffer. The change is expected to be included in Chrome M39.

    What's changed:

    Currently if the OfferToReceiveAudio constraint is not specified in PeerConnection.createOffer, the resulted offer SDP will have an "m=audio" line even if there is no audio track attached to the PeerConnection. In other words, OfferToReceiveAudio defaults to true.

    After my change, OfferToReceiveAudio no longer defaults to true. Whether the offer SDP has an "m=audio" line depends on if any audio track has been attached to the PeerConnection.

    What's not changed:

    The behavior of setting an explicit value for OfferToReceiveAudio remains the same, i.e. OfferToReceiveAudio:true will result in an "m=audio" line regardless of the existence of audio tracks; OfferToReceiveAudio:false will result in no "m=audio" line regardless of the existence of audio tracks, unless setLocalDescription has been called with an SDP containing an "m=audio" line, in which case the new offer SDP will mark the audio content inactive instead of removing the audio content.