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Zoomable RoundImageView - RoundImageView is still rectangle

I am trying to make zoomable RoundImageView. I am using this TouchImageView but I extend it with RoundedImageView not with standard ImageView. This TouchImageView is in some FrameLayouts which have these these backround:

<shape xmlns:android=""
<solid android:color="#FFF"/>

This background also have TouchImageView. When I call on it function setOval(true) everything seems fine, until I start zooming. It's look like it only create rounded bitmap, but ImageView is still rectangle...

PS: I need to have oval not circle.

There are some images:

Before zooming:

After zooming:

Thank you for every answer! ;)


  • For thoose who have the same issue. I find MaskableFrameLayout which is pretty easy to use. It extends FrameLayout so it's possible to have zoomable view in it. Just create oval or your shape in drawable:

    <shape xmlns:android=""
    <solid android:color="#FFFFFF"/></shape>

    and use setMask(drawable). Also you need to setPorterDuffXferMode(...). I used DST_IN.

    Hope it helps!