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How do I make a min file in the same path or dest on gulp-rename and gulp-uglify?

Hi everyone I hope you having a great day, I'm trying to find a way on how do I make a min file in the same path or gulp.dest() on gulp(gulp-uglify and gulp-rename). In my code below when I run my gulp it keeps on creating *.min.js , *.min.min.js , *.min.min.min.js so on and so forth unless I stop the terminal. How do I make my gulp create only one *.min.js at the same time it uglify's. I hope everyone can help me with this one. Thank You.

const gulp = require('gulp');
const browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
const rename = require('gulp-rename');
const uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

gulp.task('scripts', function() {
    return gulp.src('./src/js/*.js')       
        .pipe(rename( {suffix: '.min'} ))

gulp.task('browserSync', function(){

        server : {
            baseDir : './'
    });'./src/js/**.js', gulp.series('scripts'));

gulp.task('default', gulp.series('scripts', 'browserSync'));


  • This is happening because your scripts task is outputting the files to the same directory as you are watching:


    and'./src/js/**.js', gulp.series('scripts'));

    So every time scripts runs and saves to that directory it triggers your watch again which fires scripts, etc., etc.

    So either save your .min's to a directory you are not watching or don't watch .min files.

    BTW, change to'./src/js/*.js', gulp.series('scripts')); // removed one asterisk['./src/js/*.js', '!./src/js/*.min.js'], gulp.series('scripts')); // might work - untested though.